Transforming Preaching And Leadership
Holistically In Africa

MALDA (Missions Afield Leadership Development Africa)

Malda is a non-profit Christian organization, based in Kenya that exists to Glorify God through education, training, and community development projects.

Our Partners

Malda is an NGO, open to partnering with any organization or individual with interest.

Mission Afield (MAF), USA

MAF is a 501 (C) 3 non-profit organization in the USA that exists to glorify God by administering mission support for Christ –centered educational programs intertwined with health services and development projects.

CrossWay Community Church - WI, USA

CrossWay Community Church is based in Bristol, Wisconsin, USA, and has been partnered with Malda over the past few years conducting various trips and facilitating development projects. One of the Church’s Key beliefs is Gospel-centered discipleship which is an objective Malda sets out to achieve through various trainings and seminars.

Lakeview Church - IL,USA

Lakeview Church is based in Zion, Illinois, USA, and was the local Church to Paul and Rodah while pursuing their education. Lakeview has been partnered with Malda since its commencement in 2004 and still remains partnered today. One of Lakeview’s Key values is Faithful living in God, which Malda promotes in all its Missions.

Local Church Councils

Locally, Malda partners with various church councils that help coordinate and arrange seminars and trainings. Malda is not inclined to a particular denomination and has previously worked with church councils from different denominations. The local church councils are also key to Malda operations as often they bring forth their pastors and leaders for training.

Our Mission

Our mission is to educate ministers, develop leaders, empower families, and promote sustainable development for disadvantaged groups.

The Number Of People Who we have impacted during Mission.

No. of Impacted Preachers








I can clearly say and admit that pastors have been mutilating the Gospel but we are now going to be faithful in interpreting the Scripture and handling the Word

Chairman of AIC - Eldoret DCC

Pastor's training on Biblical Preaching in Eldoret - Kenya - 2021

Malda has transformed our Ministry holistically through training on expository preaching and leadership, and through the self help project donation of a tuktuk (three-wheeler), which will provide an economic benefit to the pastors in this region

Matthew Malmalo

Marsabit training and self help project - 2018

We greatly appreciate the ministry to needy widows through sharing of the Gospel and providing relief food which will sustain us for several days

Susan Yatta

Crossway Community Church Donation, Kitanga Location - 2023